  "tokenTemplate": {
    "id": "4aea50a7-7254-46a3-bbe2-7b54339ff722",
    "contractId": "dbaa1d49-8930-4b72-a93f-92af468431f2",
    "image": null,
    "description": null,
    "name": "Bitski Recipe NFTs",
    "animationUrl": null,
    "defaultMetadata": null,
    "gatedContent": null,
    "totalTokens": 0,
    "maxTokens": 10000,
    "prices": [],
    "published": false,
    "liveAt": null,
    "salesEndAt": null,
    "payouts": null,
    "delayMinting": false
  "auctions": []

1. Configure your application

Set your auth token, your application id, and your contract ID.

# Get an auth token using your Developer Portal credentials.
# Your application id is also in the Developer Portal.
APP_ID = ""
# Get your contract id from a previously created contract, or create a new one.

2. Configure your token template

A limit to the total tokens that can be created from this template.

Set the base name that will be assigned to each token.

Set the id of the contract that new tokens will be minted from.

Configure a token template which will be used a base for your NFTs. See create token template for all available options
    "tokenTemplate": {
        "maxTokens": 10000,
        "name": "Bitski Test NFTs",
        "contractId": CONTRACT_ID,
        "published": False,

3. Create the token template

Send a POST request to the API with the authentication token and token template payload in the request body. You should receive a 201 status code if it worked.

def create_token_template(auth_token, app_id, template):
    """Create a token template to set common attributes that will apply to all
    NFTs minted from the contract that use the template id from the API response."""

    response = requests.post(
            "Authorization": f"Bearer {auth_token}",
            "Content-Type": "application/json",
    print("Created template successfully", response.status_code == 201)
    return response

4. Remember your token template id

After creating the template, you will need to use the returned id to mint a NFT. It will be returned in the tokenTemplate.id field of the JSON response.

response = create_token_template(AUTH_TOKEN, APP_ID, TOKEN_TEMPLATE)
    template_id = response.json()["tokenTemplate"]["id"]
    print(f"token template id: {template_id}")
  "tokenTemplate": {
    "id": "4aea50a7-7254-46a3-bbe2-7b54339ff722",
    "contractId": "dbaa1d49-8930-4b72-a93f-92af468431f2",
    "image": null,
    "description": null,
    "name": "Bitski Recipe NFTs",
    "animationUrl": null,
    "defaultMetadata": null,
    "gatedContent": null,
    "totalTokens": 0,
    "maxTokens": 10000,
    "prices": [],
    "published": false,
    "liveAt": null,
    "salesEndAt": null,
    "payouts": null,
    "delayMinting": false
  "auctions": []